200: "The request was successful";
    201: "The content was created";
    204: "No content returned";
    400: "The request was unacceptable, often due to missing parameters";
    401: "The access token is missing or invalid";
    403: "The bot does not have the necessary permissions";
    404: "The requested resource does not exist";
    409: "The request conflicted with another request";
    500: "Something went wrong on our end";
    501: "Something went wrong on our end";
    502: "Something went wrong on our end";
    503: "Something went wrong on our end";
    504: "Something went wrong on our end";
} = ...

The meanings of each of the known guilded api response status codes.

Type declaration

  • 200: "The request was successful"
  • 201: "The content was created"
  • 204: "No content returned"
  • 400: "The request was unacceptable, often due to missing parameters"
  • 401: "The access token is missing or invalid"
  • 403: "The bot does not have the necessary permissions"
  • 404: "The requested resource does not exist"
  • 409: "The request conflicted with another request"
  • 500: "Something went wrong on our end"
  • 501: "Something went wrong on our end"
  • 502: "Something went wrong on our end"
  • 503: "Something went wrong on our end"
  • 504: "Something went wrong on our end"

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