Class CalendarEvent

Represents a calendar event on Guilded




_createdAt: number

The ISO 8601 timestamp that the event was created at

autofillWaitlist?: null | boolean

When rsvpLimit is set, users from the waitlist will be added as space becomes available in the event

cancellation?: {}

The cancellations for this event

Type declaration

    channelId: string

    The ID of the channel

    client: Client
    color?: null | number

    The color of the event when viewing in the calendar (min 0; max 16777215)

    createdBy: string

    The ID of the user who created this event

    description?: null | string

    The description of the event (min length 1; max length 8000)

    duration?: null | number

    The duration of the event in minutes (min 1)

    id: number

    The ID of the calendar event (min 1)

    isAllDay?: null | boolean

    Whether this event lasts all day

    isPrivate?: boolean

    Whether this event is private or not

    location?: null | string

    The location of the event (min length 1; max length 8000)

    mentions?: MentionsPayload

    The mentions in this calendar event

    name: string

    The name of the event (min length 1; max length 60)

    Bare data of this structure

    repeats?: null | boolean

    Whether this event is repeating

    roleIds?: null | number[]

    The role IDs to restrict the event to (min items 1; must have unique items true)

    rsvpLimit?: null | number

    The number of rsvps to allow before waitlisting rsvps (min 1)

    rsvps: Collection<string, CalendarEventRsvp>

    A collection of cached rsvps for this calendar event

    seriesId?: null | string

    The ID of the calendar event series. Only shows if the event is repeating

    serverId: string

    The ID of the server

    startsAt: string

    The ISO 8601 timestamp that the event starts at

    url?: null | string

    A URL to associate with the event



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