clientWhether or not social links should be cached.
Bans a member from a server.
The ID of the server to ban the member from.
The ID of the user to ban.
A Promise that resolves with the banned member, or null if the member was not cached.
Fetches a member from a server.
The ID of the server to fetch the member from.
The ID of the member to fetch.
force: booleanWhether to force a fetch from the API.
A Promise that resolves with the fetched member.
Fetches all members from a server. Returned objects are partial members.
The ID of the server to fetch members from.
A Promise that resolves with a collection of partial members.
Fetch a member's social links.
The ID of the server.
The ID of the member.
The type of social link to fetch.
A Promise that resolves with the member's social link.
Gets a list of the roles assigned to a member using the ID of the member.
The ID of the server to get the member roles from.
The ID of the member to get the roles for.
A Promise that resolves with an array of role IDs.
Awards XP to a member.
The ID of the server to award XP on.
The ID of the member to award XP to.
The amount of XP to award.
A Promise that resolves with the member's new total XP.
Kicks a member from a server.
The ID of the server to kick the member from.
The ID of the member to kick.
A Promise that resolves with the kicked member, or null if the member was not cached.
Deletes a member's nickname.
The ID of the server to delete the member nickname from.
The ID of the member to delete the nickname for.
A Promise that resolves with no value upon completion.
Unbans a user from a server.
The ID of the server.
The ID of the user.
Whether to remove the ban from the cache if it exists.
A Promise that resolves with the unbanned member ban or null
if it isn't cached.
Updates a member's nickname. Returns the new name.
The ID of the server to update the member nickname for.
The ID of the member to update the nickname for.
The new nickname for the member.
A Promise that resolves with the updated nickname.
Generated using TypeDoc
A class representing a manager for Discord server members.