Class CalendarEventRsvp

Represents a calendar event RSVP




_createdAt: number

The ISO 8601 timestamp that the rsvp was created at

calendarEventId: number

The ID of the calendar event (min 1)

channelId: string

The ID of the channel

client: Client
createdBy: string

The ID of the user who created this rsvp

id: string

Identifier of this structrure

Bare data of this structure

serverId: string

The ID of the server

status: string

The status of the rsvp ("going", "maybe", "declined", "invited", "waitlisted", or "not responded")

updatedAt?: null | string

The ISO 8601 timestamp that the rsvp was updated at, if relevant

updatedBy?: null | string

The ID of the user who updated this rsvp

userId: string

The ID of the user



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