Class ForumTopic

Represents a forum topic in Guilded.




_bumpedAt: null | number

The date time the forum topic was last bumped, or null if it hasn't been bumped.

_createdAt: number

The creation date of the forum topic.

_deletedAt: null | number

The date time the forum topic was deleted, or null if it hasn't been deleted.

_updatedAt: null | number

The date time the forum topic was last updated, or null if it hasn't been updated.

channelId: string

The channel ID of the forum topic.

client: Client
content: string

The content of the forum topic.

createdBy: string

The user ID of the user who created the forum topic.

id: number

Identifier of this structrure

isLocked: boolean

Whether the forum topic is locked.

isPinned: boolean

Whether the forum topic is pinned.

mentions: MentionsPayload

The mentions in the forum topic.

Bare data of this structure

serverId: string

The server ID of the forum topic.

title: string

The title of the forum topic.


  • get deletedAt(): null | Date
  • Gets the date the forum topic was deleted, or null if it hasn't been deleted.

    Returns null | Date

    A Date object

  • get updatedAt(): null | Date
  • Gets the date the forum topic was last updated, or null if it hasn't been updated.

    Returns null | Date

    A Date object


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